It is illegal for any housing provider, landlord, management company, real estate agent, co-op, or homeowners association to discriminate against you based on your race, color, religion, gender, disability, familial status (children under 18), national origin (ethnicity or language), or in some circumstances, age.
• Building Facilities: You have the right to equal and fair treatment and the use of your building's services and facilities.
• Accessibility: Apartments and condominiums built after 1991 must be accessible to persons who use walkers, wheelchairs or scooters. However, Section 8 landlords may be obligated to pay for reasonable modifications without regard to the age of the building.
• Reasonable Accommodations: Disabled persons are entitled reasonable accommodations so they may have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.
• Accessible Parking: If you are mobility impaired, your housing provider may have to assign you a parking space.
• Service Animals: You are entitled to live with your service or emotional support animal.
• It is also illegal for a housing provider to:
- Make statements that indicate any preference, limitation or discrimination.
- Set different standards, criteria, or higher security deposit because of your disability, nationality, race, gender, age or family size.
- Turn you away because your are disabled, a single parent, have kids, or based on your nationality or race.
- Establish a curfew for individuals under the age of 18.
- Inquire as to the nature or severity of your disability.
- Inquire as to whether a disabled person will be living in the apartment or home.
- Segregate persons with disabilities to live on certain floors.
These are only several examples of housing discrimination. If you believe your rights have been violated, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.
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